Thursday 29 November 2012

Bioluminescent BioReporter for tackling environmental Challenges

  Bioluminescent  BioReporters for  Enviromental Monitoring 


Bioreporters are genetically engineered living microbial cell, which produce measurable signals in response to the changes in the environment. The main principle is based on the detection of light emitted by the genetically modified organism. A physical or chemical change in the surrounding leads to the activation of the genes that code for the protein and generate signals, which indicate the bioreporter, has sensed a particular change in the environment.

The potential applications of bioreporters are in monitoring the environmental problems like pollution and biochip development for predicting the natural disasters. If pollutants are present in the atmosphere, the signal indicates the level of pollution. The other proposed application of bioreporters are in monitoring the water availability of the plants and   glowing trees in road highways to save the energy and in detecting the contamination in water.

To conclude, bioreporter technology is evolving as a emerging technology to provide the  intense application in all tha areas of science. 

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