Professor Leslie Chan, an acknowledged
champion of Open Access Initiative (OAI) was at IIITM-K on 18 December 2012.
The authors’ views:
OAI is perfectly fine concept. But
it is inherently counter-evolutionary in nature. This, I believe is perhaps the
biggest dampener for its sluggish acceptability.
If we take a look at evolution (including
social), it is evident that all things regarded as resource at any point of
time; gets hoarded for the benefit and development of the clan/society
Today, knowledge is a resource.
It transforms itself to power, money and what not. Hence it is only logical
that today the forces for collective, voluntary tendency to hoard knowledge are
very strong.
Viewed from this perspective, OAI seems somewhat like asking people to hoard rocks instead of gold!
But does culture not mean: Overcome those habits (like hoardening)?