After every 940 Million Kilometers elliptical journey, the Earth
finds itself warmer than what it was during immediately preceding year. Global
meteorological parameters are continuously scaling upwards. 2016 will soon be
declared the warmest year on record. Below are just two of the indicative links
that provides more than strong indications.

If white to blue transition is to the arctic, green to grey is
to the tropics. With almost 40% grey, tropical city of Trivandrum, India seems
to have exceeded an unknown threshold of long wave emission. This result in the
cityscape acting as a hot furnace that blows up and away moisture laden clouds.
[can explain reason for absolute lack of both monsoons in 2016].
Top figure depicts arctic ice sheet fracture. Botom figure: Screen shot of Trivandrum as seen by satellite. Note the predominant greying on the left side and historic greenery on the top right.
(Source: Top figure: link 1 above. Bottom figure: Screen capture from Earth Explorer.)
An increase of 10% greenery within the cityscape will ensure precipitation
of moisture bearing clouds. Since it is not going to be a fete that can be
achieved in one year, we will need a lot of strong, extensive interventions to cool
the furnace.
In a society that is fractured along multiple planes, does
anybody know how solution(s) can be implemented? If you believe, you have an
answer, let’s join hands.